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5 Benefits of Aerial Yoga

5 Benefits of Aerial Yoga

Published October 17th, 2018 By Jo Stewart

Want a reason to try Aerial Yoga? Here's five.

It is adaptable for bodies of all sizes

I often get asked if there is a weight limit for aerial yoga. Don't worry! Our equipment is rated for 500kgs and the movements very adaptable for larger bodies. As the fabric supports some of the bodies weight it can take the pressure off the knees, wrists and spine.

I have had many students who stopped going to 'regular' yoga classes due to injury, or just not feeling like there were enough suitable options for them, who have rediscovered their love of yoga in the aerial hammock.

We may still have to modify some movements, but the fabric gives us lots more options and that allow everyone to flow along with the class in a way that supports and nurtures their own bodies.

You can work on strength, stability and flexibility all at the same time

The aerial hammock supports us, but it isn't fixed, so our bodies are always working to maintain stability. We can use the fabric to cradle us in a deep passive stretch, but also to work our active flexibility range, or even for resistance.

Many people who aren't fans of core or upper body strength training on the ground love it in the fabric - usually we are so immersed in the feeling of the movement we aren't even aware of all the strengthening actions that go into a fun flip!

It's great for your brain!

As we learn new movements we create new neural pathways and synaptic connections which increases Neuroplasticity of the brain (our ability to learn new things) - this is said to help protect and regenerate the brain as we age. (1)

As we move the body through space (and upside down) it improves our proprioceptive and kinaesthetic awareness - I've noticed my own coordination has really improved since practicing aerial yoga!

Many people find it easier to meditate in the fabric

The feeling of being cocooned in the fabric can be very soothing and relaxing for the mind.

When we are immersed in the sensation of learning a new movement, we don't tend to think as much about our usual worries, and the mental chatter of distraction settles down - it feels easier to tune into the present moment.

The movements of the practice can help release tension held in the body which can assist with the mind coming to rest.

It's fun!

It's fun to try something new and maybe even surprise ourselves!

It feels fantastic floating in fabric, hanging upside down and doing flips - and many of these moves are suitable for all levels of experience - you can enjoy them in your very first session.

It's really satisfying to work towards something over time, and we can learn a lot about ourselves and our preconceptions along the way.

The beauty of aerial yoga is that there are movements that everyone can enjoy and feel great doing!

Try for yourself.

Book a Session Now!

  1. Exercise sets into motion an interactive cascade of growth factor that has the net effect of stimulating plasticity, enhancing cognitive function . . . [and] stimulating neurogenesis (Wilcox et al. 2009).

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6:00p.m. - 7:00p.m.

Beginners Aerial Yoga

with Jo Stewart

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Yin Yoga - Online

with Jo Stewart

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7:20p.m. - 8:20p.m.

Yin Yoga - In Person

with Jo Stewart

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