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Chair Yoga - Yoga & Pilates in a Chair

Strengthen, stabilise and move in your chair

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Yoga & Pilates in a Chair is a course that incorporates the strengthening moves of pilates with the breath and gentle movement aspects of yoga. It can all be done within the comfort and safety of your chair! This course is broken down into 7 short videos that can be done individually or together to make up a complete practice. All you need is a sturdy chair without armrests, a cushion, a strap or theraband, and a block!

Getting Started

In our first video, Rane will show you how to get set up in your sitting mountain before moving onto some self-massage and a gentle breath based practice.

Breath & Spine

In this short sequence, Rane takes you through gentle breath and movement, then continues on with the 8 movements of the spine.

Warrior Sequence

We pick things up a little as Rane leads you through a strengthening warrior sequence before finishing off with some balancing work in tree pose!

Salute to the Sun

We'll keep things moving as Rane guides you through a seated sun salutation.

Pilates in a Chair

Jo leads you through some leg and glute strengthening pilates movements in and around the chair.

Stable Shoulders!

Jo continues the pilates-inspired practice, working with some stability moves for the shoulders and arms.

Seated Savasana

Rane finishes off with a guided relaxation that you can do while seated or lying down.

Purchase Course for $15.00

In This Series

Jo Stewart

Jo Stewart

Jo's creative approach adapts to each practitioner's individual needs, with a focus on body positivity, self-compassion, and inclusivity. She is excited to share the whole spectrum of yogic experience with her students - from high flying fun in the aerial hammock, to calm meditation in the quiet of a yin style practice.

More about Jo
Rane Bowen

Rane Bowen

Rane is a long time student of yoga and meditation. He has an insatiable curiosity about these practices, how they can help people in their daily lives and in overcoming adversity.

More about Rane

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