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Rane Bowen

Rane is a long-time student of yoga and meditation. He has an insatiable curiosity about these practices, how they can help people in their daily lives and in overcoming adversity.

He graduated from meditation teacher training in 2015 at the Melbourne Meditation Center, and completed the adv. diploma of Yoga Teaching at the Australian Yoga Academy in 2017.

Rane's interest deepened after being diagnosed with stomach cancer. Yoga and meditation helped him cope with the emotional difficulties of a terminal (mis)diagnosis and aided in his recovery after surgery and chemotherapy. Rane holds a deep appreciation for Gentle Yoga and meditation and loves sharing these practices, however he also really enjoys the challenge of a Strong Vinyasa Flow practice and has a special interest in arm balancing postures.

Rane also works as web developer and is particularly interested in the intersection of meditation and technology. He is responsible for building the Garden of Yoga website in collaboration with our graphic designer Kelly Stubbs. He also developed our online booking system and The Flow Artists Podcast website. Rane also films, produces and edits our videos, live streams and online courses as well as recording, producing and editing The Flow Artists Podcast.

Before leaving the corporate world to focus on Garden of Yoga Rane worked for Madman entertainment developing Anime Lab and DocPlay - their online video streaming services. He did web development for AFL, building the original AFLW website, and

Rane takes a strong interest in social justice and Indigenous rights and is absolutely honored to have been selected as one of 20 Yoga Teachers of Colour to Watch in 2020

Upcoming classes with Rane


9:30a.m. - 11:30a.m.

Virtual Chair Yoga

with Rane Bowen

No spots left


7:20p.m. - 8:20p.m.

Gentle Restorative Yoga - In person

with Rane Bowen

8 spots left


7:20p.m. - 8:20p.m.

Gentle Restorative Yoga - Online

with Rane Bowen

20 spots left

See Full Timetable

Videos Featuring Rane

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Luxury Bali Retreat

August 2025

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