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How to Use Zoom for Our Live Online Yoga Classes

How to Use Zoom for Our Live Online Yoga Classes

Published March 22nd, 2020 By Jo Stewart

Missing class and a sense of community? We are now sharing Gentle Yoga and Nurturing Yoga and Pilates classes live online via zoom. We're here to help you get set up, so you can keep your practice going at home.

How to use zoom for our Live Online Yoga classes and Online Private sessions.

Using zoom is super easy - all you need is a laptop, tablet or phone, an internet connection and a space to practice.

Step One

Book in for one of our Live online Yoga classes via our schedule

Or email Jo to arrange a private session.

Step Two

Download Zoom

Step Three

Follow the meeting link in your confirmation email.

We recommend getting yourself set up 10 minutes or so before the class is scheduled to start in case you have any issues. Feel free to message us through the Garden of Yoga facebook page if you need help.

Step Four

Gather any yoga props you might need (couch cushions, scarves and chunky books also make great props).

Set up your device in a place where you can easily see the screen including when you are laying down - we recommend close, low to the ground and landscape for Yin and Pilates classes.

In more active classes you might like to go higher up and further away.

Remember if you can't see your screen - we can't see you!

Step Five

Enjoy the class and feel free to hang out for a chat after!

We’ll allowing some extra time after class for conversation - sangha (community) is such an important part of yoga!!

How our live online classes work

In our live online yoga and pilates classes the teacher can interact with everyone in the class.

The teacher will guide the class just the way they would in person - feel free to ask questions!

If you want the teachers attention you can also wave (this is especially useful on mute).

If a posture doesn't feel good, just stop moving and gently come out of the pose - this is also a helpful message to the teacher.

In some classes we will leave individual microphones on throughout the class, in larger groups or there is a lot of background noise we will mute participants after we've had a chance to check in. If you have a loud dog, or people walking through your space we appreciate it if you mute yourself.

You can can change your display by tapping the screen for the ‘change view’ control. If you mainly want to see the teacher choose the 'Speaker' option (and choose to 'pin' speaker, if only want to see the teacher).

If you want see the whole group choose the ‘gallery’ option (great for practicing with friends).

For best internet connection close all your other tabs and ask your housemates to stop their online gaming and NetFlix watching for the next hour! If your wifi is a bit spotty, choose the room with the best reception.

If you are feeling intimidated by the technology don’t worry - we’re here to help you figure it out and everyone we’ve worked with have found it easier than they expected and really enjoyed our live online yoga classes.

Here’s what our students have to say:

In these uncertain times we are all trying our best to protect our elderly and vulnerable and this included our first video conference pilates class! I was a bit worried as Jo normally keeps a beady eye on me as I have some medical issues we are working through but I shouldn't have been. She was able to see me clearly and give excellent instruction even though I was using the Zoom app on my phone. It was easy to set up and I still felt a great benefit from the class. I had to be a bit creative with some of the equipment but it turns out jars of passata make great hand weights! Thanks Jo for thinking outside the box and making sure I can still 'attend' my class without placing anyone at risk.


Our Live Online Yoga offerings listed here:

Garden of Yoga Timetable

Private Classes

A personalised session, tailored to your individual needs and the props that you have on hand. This is also a great way to practice with friends while staying at home.

$90 one one one

$45 each for two people

$30 each for three people

$25 each for four or more people

Email Jo for more details or to arrange a time.

If you are having trouble connecting with through Zoom their website has a great help section

Upcoming Classes


6:00p.m. - 7:00p.m.

Beginners Aerial Yoga

with Jo Stewart

2 spots left


7:20p.m. - 8:20p.m.

Yin Yoga - Online

with Jo Stewart

18 spots left


7:20p.m. - 8:20p.m.

Yin Yoga - In Person

with Jo Stewart

5 spots left

See Full Timetable

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August 2025

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